How to create a home that evolves with your needs

Once upon a time, as people got older and their physical abilities changed, they often needed to sell the family home and move into a more suitable dwelling. Likewise, for people living with disability or injury, independent living was a difficult – and often-times impossible – scenario.

But a new trend in the housing market is making it easier for all people – regardless of their circumstance or need – to stay in the homes they love, for longer.

‘Accessible living’ – or ‘livable homes’ – are terms used to describe properties that are designed with comfort, safety and ease of access in mind. Put simply, accessible living is all about ensuring your home’s key living spaces can be easily and cost-effectively adapted to meet the evolving needs of anyone – from young families who are making space for grandparents or au-pairs to move in to help with the kids, to people growing older who want to stay comfortable in our homes for years to come.

Some of the most rewarding work I do as an architect is partnering with companies that support Australians living with special needs. Providing these people some independence, comfort and security is incredibly important. Everyone should have a space they like living in – and a space that suits their specific needs and is safe and compliant. This sentiment is front of mind whenever I design a modification to an existing home, or create a new accommodation facility.

However as I mentioned earlier, accessible living designs benefit a broader demographic as well – with many of our clients looking to just add comfort and security to their homes as they grow older. Oftentimes for these clients it’s just some small changes that make all the difference. For example, you can make simple changes such as installing grab rails, threshold ramps, or hand held showers. Or if your needs are greater you can make major structural modifications such as creating more accessible bathrooms, adding ramps, widening doorways or even installing a lift.

Contrary to popular belief, there is also an extensive range of stylish technologies, fixtures and fittings to choose from, so the interior design and style of your home doesn’t need to be compromised just because it’s being made more accessible

In terms of how to get started with an accessible living modifications, as with any build or renovation, you will need to engage a qualified architect and builder. Always ensure you’re working with suppliers who specialise in accessible housing solutions – as not only will this keep the cost-down, you will also know the design is compliant with all laws and regulations. For this reason, we’re Livable Housing Australia assessors. For a list of Livable Housing approved builders and architects, visit:

If this is something you’d like to learn more about, please feel free to get in touch with me.

Alternatively, you can find more information about our capabilities in accessible living by downloading our Accessible Living Services Overview statement.